APIndiana News

Posting ballot selfies: Personal choice or illegal act?

TRENTON, N.J. (AP): You probably already know who you’re voting for on Election Day. Now one more question: Is it OK to take a picture of your ballot?

Laws nationwide are mixed on whether voters can legally take “ballot selfies.” Those are pictures of themselves in the act of voting or of their ballots.

Federal judges have struck down bans on selfies in at least two states, and rules have changed in others. But in many states, taking a picture of your ballot still carries potential fines or jail terms.

Twenty-six-year-old Clarissa Livingstone, of Toms River, New Jersey, says she doesn’t believe people would be influenced by seeing ballot photos she or anyone else might post.
She says “they’re not going to change their votes once they see how some Jersey girl voted.”

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