Local News

Salomon Farm Park adds animals to herd

Photo Supplied/Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Salomon Farm Park has added two Highland mini calves and three Nigerian dwarf kid goats to their herd.

Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation say the animals join goats, pigs, a miniature horse, rabbits and chickens to the herd at the working farm and park.

Salomon Farm Park, located at 817 West Dupont Road, will host meet and greet sessions with the new Highland calves on Saturday, May 13. The calves, named Frankie and Mickey, will be available for 30 minutes of private interaction in groups of up to four people. Those who participate will be able to brush, feed, pet and take pictures with the animals and receive cupcakes at the end of each session.

The sessions cost $65 per group, and reservations can be made here or by calling 260-427-6000.

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