Local News

Sewer Testing Comes to Northeast Neighborhoods

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Fort Wayne City Utilities will be “smoke testing” sewer lines in several northeast neighborhoods to find leaks and other problems contributing to sewer overflows, beginning Thursday. The area to be smoke tested is bounded by Evard Road to the north, St. Joe Road to the west, Sandridge Drive to the south and Haffner Drive to the east.  

Residents may see smoke coming out of the ground or coming from building gutters, downspouts or plumbing vents on roofs. Smoke should not enter any homes.  If it does enter a home, residents should exit and look for nearby utility crews.

The smoke being used is chemically-generated, but is non-toxic, non-staining, has no odor and creates no fire hazard. The testing is expected to be completed within three weeks. 

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