APIndiana News

State fire marshal warns against breaking fireworks laws

(Source: https://goo.gl/wESq1A License: https://goo.gl/OOAQfn)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP): Indiana’s fire marshal says breaking state fireworks laws could lead to a stiff fine or even jail time if someone is injured.

Fire Marshal Jim Greeson issued the advice Wednesday in advance of the Fourth of July holiday, which is more than a week away.

Greeson says setting off fireworks without a property owner’s permission is prohibited. And he adds those who cause damage might have to pay for it.

State law also bars anyone under the age of 18 from having fireworks unless they are accompanied by an adult.

Fireworks can be used from 9 a.m. until two hours after sunset in the days leading up to July 4, though local restrictions may limit that further.

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1 comment

Alice July 4, 2016 at 9:26 am

The State Fire Marshall needs to get an education in learning the differences between illegal fireworks and legal fireworks where he is completely ignoring our state and city ordinance completely.

Here is the Ordinance that the State Fire Marshal has completely ignored!

(A) The Fire Chief, his authorized representative or Fire Inspector may restrict the storage, handling or sale of any hazardous materials as defined in this chapter and as provided for in adopted codes and standards.

(B) The use of unapproved fireworks , defined as items that fly through the air, explodes, or travels in an uncontrolled motion, is prohibited. Such items are subject to confiscation and person using said items is subject to penalty 93.99.
(Ord. 51-1990, passed 11-13-90; Am. Ord. 5-1999, passed 4-12-99)

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what (B) means, which is simply put, anything that leaves the ground becoming airborne, uncontrolled movement or explodes is prohibited. What part of this ordinance don’t our Fire Marshal understand?

I hope our Fire Marshal will reconsider his rules to include this ordinance.

Another thing I take issue with is allowing consumer fireworks to be set off all year round.

But if I had my way ALL consumer fireworks would be banned in the state of Indiana, especially in cities for the following reasons.

• They are fire hazards.
• They cause 100s of injuries every year with some being serious.
• They frighten pets and upset those with sensory issues.
• They pollute the air with some really nasty stuff.
• The noise is an ideal environment for terrorists to strike.


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