Indiana News

Trine Unveils Master Plan Featuring New, Upgraded Facilities

(Photo Supplied/Trine University)

ANGOLA, Ind. (WOWO) — A state-of-the-art student design center, new residence, academic and dining facilities, expanded green space, and upgrades to Zollner Stadium and Hershey Hall are highlights of a new master plan developed by Trine University.

The master plan, titled “Something Greater,” was endorsed by the university’s Board of Trustees at their winter retreat earlier this month and will serve as the basis for Trine’s next capital campaign.

Costs for all the projects encompassed by the plan are estimated at $120 million. That amount is in addition to more than $100 million of facilities and improvements added to Trine over the last decade.

The new 200-bed residence hall called for in the master plan is already under construction and will be ready for occupancy this fall.

The university plans to demolish Cameron and Platt Hall later this spring to provide more green space on campus. Another residence facility in a new location will replace those buildings.

The university will break ground in May for the new John and Mary Pellegrino Student Design Center, which will offer expanded space and state-of-the-art design and fabrication equipment to better meet the needs of student design teams and industry partners. The new center will be constructed on the west side of Best Hall.
Renovations to Zollner Football Stadium will begin as soon as possible, with completion planned prior to the next football season. The project includes the renovation of the existing football locker room and weight room along with the construction of a new locker room and weight room. The new facilities will be located in the west end zone overlooking the field.

Following Commencement, the university will begin construction on a storage facility and an additional parking area for its Campus Operations. The university’s old power plant will be razed and parking will be expanded in that area.

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