Indiana News

Woman Born in Indiana Using Social Media to Find Birth Mom

ELKHART, Ind. (AP): A Florida woman born in northern Indiana is using social media to reconnect with her birth mother.
Kelley Baumgartner of Jacksonville, Florida, posted a photo of herself to Facebook last Saturday in hopes of finding the woman who gave birth to her. The sign she's holding in the photo includes the details she knows about her birth mother. It also lists her contact information and urges others to share the post.
The South Bend Tribune reports her post was shared on Facebook nearly 14,000 times within the first five days.
Baumgartner was born Feb. 3, 1987 in Elkhart County to a hairdresser in her early 20s with seven siblings. She was adopted two months later through Catholic Social Services.
Baumgartner has been searching for her birth mother for the past eight years.

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