Farm News

Mexican Ban on GMO Corn

Courtesy of NCGA

The National Corn Growers Association have come out in support of the official rejection by the U.S. of a recent proposed compromise from Mexico on biotech corn imports into the country. The development came during a meeting between Mexican officials and USDA’s Secretary of Trade and Foreign Ag Affairs, Alexis Taylor and the Office of the U.S. Trade Rep’s chief ag negotiator Doug McKalip. In a statement that came after the meeting, USTR and USDA said the changes offered by Mexico “are not sufficient and Mexico’s proposed approach, which is not grounded in science, still threatens to disrupt billions of dollars in bilateral agricultural trade, cause serious economic harm to U.S. farmers and Mexican livestock producers, and stifle important innovations needed to help producers respond to pressing climate and food security challenges.” NCGA President Tom Haag responded, “This is a significant development and good news for corn growers.” Mexico announced in late 2020 a decree banning biotech corn into the country, beginning in early 2024.

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