Indiana News

Indiana Congressman Reacts to Delay of ObamaCare’s Caps on Out-of-Pocket Costs

WASHINGTON (WOWO): After a decision granting insurance companies a delay on ObamaCare’s caps on out-of-pocket costs until 2015, one Indiana Congressman says Americans need saving from this train wreck.

Congressman Marlin Stutzman released the following statement this afternoon:  

“President Obama has already delayed the employer mandate and anti-fraud protections but this latest arbitrary delay isn’t going to change the fact that ObamaCare is hurting hardworking families. Folks back home don’t need another Washington delay, they need permanent relief. Congress must defund ObamaCare and save the American people from this train wreck.”

Stutzman is at the center of a conservative push to kill the federal health care law by cutting off funding.

Other Republicans argue President Obama will veto any defunding attempt. They warn it‘s the G-O-P that will pay the political price if a budget stalemate forces a government shutdown. Stutzman argues President Obama is the only one talking about a shutdown.

“Is it more important that we stop the effects of ObamaCare or to fund the federal government? We can do both if we want to.  

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