Indiana News

STUDY: Indiana 22nd Scariest State in Nation

SEATTLE, Wash. (WOWO): Anywhere you live is going to have its pluses and minus. You the things you love, and then things that aren't so great.

A new study from the website, takes a fun look at common fears by state. There are real dangers like weather or crime and then fears like dentists, heights and clowns.

Indiana is ranked 22nd. But third for tornadoes and meth labs. But, rest assured if you are afraid of battling bears or surviving shark attacks, no worries.

Florida is the scariest state – with hurricanes, tornadoes and shark attack. But apparently no sharknados. South Dakota is ranked 50th.

And a word of warning, if you have a clown phobia, North Dakota is no laughing matter. They are tops in the nation for that fear.

You can see the survey, by clicking here.

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