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Indiana State Police offers tips for a safe Halloween

INDIANA (WOWO):  Halloween isn’t all fun. It can be a bit scary, if parents and children aren’t safe.

The Indiana State Police has tips for parents to ensure everyone has a happy Halloween.

Costume Tips

  • “Keep costumes short to prevent trips and falls.
  • Try make-up instead of a mask. Masks often obstruct a child’s vision, which makes tasks like crossing the street and going up and down stairs dangerous.
  • Make sure children wear light colors or put reflective tape on their costumes.

Trick of Treating

  • Make sure older children trick-or-treat with friends. Together, map out a safe route so parents know where they will be.
  • Instruct children to stop only at familiar homes where the outside lights are on.
  • Encourage children to trick-or-treat while it’s still light out. If children are out after dark, make sure they have flashlights and travel on well lighted streets.
  • Remind children not to enter the homes or cars of strangers.
  • Follow your communities trick-or-treating hours.


  • Remind children not to eat any of their treats until they get home.
  • Check out all treats at home in a well-lighted place.
  • Only eat unopened candies and other treats that are in original wrappers. Remember to inspect fruits for anything suspicious.”

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