Local News

Allen Superior Court opens newly-remodeled courtroom

(Darrin Wright/1190 WOWO 107.5 FM)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The Allen Superior Court has finished a project that combines the latest in judicial design and technology with the historic integrity of a century-old courthouse.

After struggling for years with limited space, growing calendars and aging technology, Courtroom 107, which primarily handles Civil cases, has been expanded to allow for a bigger jury box, double the amount of spectator seating, improvements that make the courtroom fully compatible with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and effectively doubled the room’s size to nearly 2,000 square feet.

There have also been upgrades to the courtroom’s presentation technology, including newer A/V and recording systems.

“Allen County’s building department does incredible work,” said Judge Nancy Boyer. “But we wanted to make sure this project would meet the Court’s needs now and for many years to come. So we invested additional resources in the help of an architect who could optimize the space and design it around the flow of the courtroom process.”

The Allen County Law Library gave up much of its square footage, a change made possible by the prioritization of its law book collection and the online availability of information. The Courthouse Preservation Trust relocated as part of the project.

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