Indiana News

Answers Sought for Small City’s Heroin Trouble

CONNERSVILLE, Ind. (AP) – Officials continue looking for ways to help an eastern Indiana city that has seen dozens of heroin overdoses in recent weeks.
U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly met Thursday in Connersville with city and county leaders and some people recovering from heroin abuse.
City officials say the 13,000-person community has had six deaths among at least 36 heroin overdoses in the last two months. Police Chief David Counceller tells WRTV that everyone in the city has a relative or acquaintance with some sort of drug problem.
Connersville has struggled for years with one of Indiana's highest unemployment rates. 
Donnelly tells the Connersville News-Examiner that the city's drug struggles are heartbreaking. He says work needs to be done to fix the root causes of poverty and joblessness.

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