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Area educators send letter against bills that “unfairly target the LGBTQ community”

(Photo Supplied/Indiana House Republicans)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – Following the “No Hate in Our State” rally at the Allen County Courthouse on March 11, over 100 local educators have signed a letter to voice their opposition to several bills.

RELATED: LGBTQ Community Gathers For Downtown Fort Wayne Rally

The letter, sent to leaders of the Indiana General Assembly, represents educators from every school in district in Allen County and several universities. It voices concerns over Senate Bill 12, Senate Bill 480, and House Bill 1608.

You can read the full letter below.

“As educators certified within the State of Indiana, we strive every day to make Indiana a safe place to learn for all people, including members of the LGBTQ community. Over the years, major progress has been made, but the new bills being introduced by the Indiana General Assembly continue to stoke fear and sow division among school communities. We write to you today unified by our deep concern regarding these bills that unfairly target the LGBTQ community- particularly transgender youth.

LGBTQ kids are three times more likely to die by suicide, according to The Trevor Project’s latest report and in 2022, 45% of LGBTQ Hoosier youth considered suicide. Unless kids feel safe, what we as educators teach them won’t matter. Creating safe spaces for our kids should be our number one priority. We are on the front lines, and we know that inclusive curricula and pedagogical approaches are vital for LGBTQ students. When young
people see themselves reflected in their learning, it helps to validate their existence and experience, boosting self confidence.

As our elected leaders, your first responsibility is the well-being of your constituents. Above all else, your actions first must do no harm. But the Indiana General Assembly’s Slate of Hate is a disgraceful attempt by a handful of politicians to score political points by harming the children, teachers, and families they claim to represent.

We ask you to ensure that no action is taken on any of these bills (SB480, HB1608 and SB12). We are especially concerned about the ways these proposed bills will harm young trans people in our communities. We know that these harmful laws threaten their physical safety and mental health by denying them access to evidence-based health care and erasing them from their schools.

Across our diversity of backgrounds, we share the fundamental belief that it is our duty to treat others with respect and love and in that same sense of human dignity we ask you, our leaders: quit making political pawns out of our LGBTQ friends, neighbors, and family members. Everyone deserves dignity and respect. We encourage you to join us in this public commitment to equality, respect and justice for all by opposing the Slate
of Hate.”

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Dave March 21, 2023 at 11:13 am

There should be no transgender Youth just as there should be no youth sexual activity. They do not need to change these things until they become adults. You only want to create trans youth. The Democrat party does not care about the well being of anyone. This is just another way to reduce the global population just like abortion. There should be no “Safe Place” from the truth. This is why the 1st amendment was free speech.

Jenny L Pfingston March 21, 2023 at 9:32 pm

Thank you. Your voice is saying what do many of us believe. This goes beyond political parties. Our children are the future of this country. What they are NOT learning is history, social studies, government that is for the people by the people. If nothing is done to save the Red, White and Blue they will never know freedom in all aspects. Again, thank you.

Jenny L Pfingston March 21, 2023 at 9:33 pm

Thank you. Your voice is saying what do many of us believe. This goes beyond political parties. Our children are the future of this country. What they are NOT learning is history, social studies, government that is for the people by the people. If nothing is done to save the Red, White and Blue they will never know freedom in all aspects. Again, thank you.

Jenny L Pfingston March 21, 2023 at 9:34 pm

Thank you. Your voice is saying what do many of us believe. This goes beyond political parties. Our children are the future of this country. What they are NOT learning is history, social studies, government that is for the people by the people. If nothing is done to save the Red, White and Blue they will never know freedom in all aspects. Again, thank you.

Pat March 21, 2023 at 12:15 pm

These so-called educators are the problem, which is why they oppose bills that serve to protect children from their manipulations. The legislature needs to stay on track to protect children from the transgender lies and abuse. If adults want to fall for the lies in their own lives, that is their business. Just leave the kids alone and let them enjoy their childhoods.

C. Ommon Sense March 21, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Dear educators, please focus your energies on educating children, not indoctrinating them. No amount of surgery, hormones, or forced acceptance will make the alphabet kids feel better about themselves. If you truly wanted to help them, you would get them mental health assistance. Most of these kids just want to be different and so-called caring adults are abusing them with gender confusion. Follow the science and you will see there are only two genders and nothing will change a person’s chromosomes. Gender affirmation is just another step on the slippery slope to pedophilia.

Go Get them Police/ Law Enforcement....there's at least 100 of them March 22, 2023 at 8:54 am

If these “100 local educators” are are the one’s projecting Hate in our State as they are for Grooming Child.

It would be worth an investigator’s time for a quick look at each of them to see if any of them are in fact encouraging or GROOMING them Children.

This is like the “Me-too” movement in Grooming children. these “100 local educators” should not be anywhere near children, certainly not teaching them Anything! Disgusting!!

Rome Is Burning March 23, 2023 at 9:58 am

Can you please release the names of the signatories of that letter? I have tried to find the names myself using online outlets. I would assume that the signatories are able to be released as it was a public letter from local educators to the State Assembly. The full letter with all names is a matter of public record and needs published in its entirety.

J Jones March 23, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Totally agree. We pay their salaries, we need to know what they will push on students.

Slacker06 March 24, 2023 at 9:05 am

IT is true that suicides are high among this group. But the questions is WHY? It is high because the activities pushed on the youth goes against their very being. It goes against nature. and biology. It goes against their foundational DNA. The educators are wrong and The People are correct to oppose following their faulty reasoning and teachings. It is correct to go against the teachers engaged in grooming future sexual conquests.


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