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AUDIO: Henry seemingly confirms retaliation against Keesling

(Tom Franklin/WOWO News)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A development in the argument between Fort Wayne’s Mayor and City Clerk, over tickets and parking spaces:

“People are stopping me, saying ‘oh, you got fined $100.’ No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t have paid that ticket anyway,” says Mayor Tom Henry to City Clerk Lana Keesling, in a recording provided to WOWO News of a discussion between the two that happened after Keesling’s office issued a $100 ticket over an expired license plate on Henry’s city-owned car.

Keesling says Henry retaliated against her for that by revoking her parking spot at Citizens Square, something seemingly confirmed by the audio, apparently captured by a recorder in a bag or purse.

“So, you are removing my garage door opener because of this situation?” Keesling asks in the audio, to which Henry replies: “Exactly.”

In a statement provided to the News-Sentinel, Mayor Henry’s spokesman John Perlich said the following:

“We’re disappointed Clerk Keesling recorded a recent, private meeting with the mayor without the mayor’s knowledge. Mayor Henry wants to move forward and restore his relationship with Clerk Keesling. That effort began late yesterday with his outreach to the clerk to reinstitute the parking spot she previously had. We don’t want the recent and unfortunate disagreement to get in the way of the mayor and clerk serving the public with excellent services.”

Hear the full recording below:

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Sean Eric King Sr February 14, 2018 at 10:23 am

WOW! very interesting! Stick to your values girl!..Sounds like Henry needs to drive his own personal car instead of breaking the rules which he apparently doesn’t have to follow cause he is the MAYOR..

John Q Public February 14, 2018 at 10:45 am

Typical liberal response… “The rules don’t apply to me! I’m important! The citizens are my subjects!” Hey, Tom, it’s NOT YOUR building! It belongs to the citizens of Fort Wayne!

B February 14, 2018 at 12:19 pm

Apparently his benevolence and Christian Family values don’t spill over to the every day business of running the city.

“My Building”…

Guess what Mayor Tom.. It isn’t
Your arrogance is showing. How embarrassed you must be.

Free Parking for ALL February 15, 2018 at 9:13 am

Perhaps the MAYOR can provide a comprehensive list of all of the other buildings that “HE OWNS”. Since parking laws are not applicable at “HIS” buildings, this would be a handy list for those times when one doesn’t have sufficient parking cash on hand………

Tatty February 14, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Shocking! And I couldn’t believe the bad language that Mayor Henry used. It makes me wonder what else is going on

Buck February 14, 2018 at 1:48 pm

Get off your fake throne king henry. You are mistaken the Mayor-ship is a not dictatorship. You were elected by the voters of Fort Wayne to represent them and put their interests first. You don’t sound like a Mayor in this instance. For weak people, power corrupts.

lloyd February 14, 2018 at 3:00 pm

What a bigshot! He can bully a City employee to tears,commit the citizenry to hundreds of million of dollars of debt on long term loser projectsan gives away the farm on tax abatements. Henry for America…Ha Ha.Wait until his nephew takes his place in office.That will be a real treat.

Registered Voter February 14, 2018 at 3:03 pm

This is not D.C., Mayor Henry… and you’re not a Clinton.
You should commend city staff for doing their jobs and treating us equally under the law.
The fine wouldn’t have even been paid from your own pocket, so the only reason that you acted out in a spiteful manner is because your wife was teased online?
Your arrogance and pettiness is disgusting.

James Haist February 14, 2018 at 3:10 pm

Wish I could decide whether or not to pay tickets I don’t agree with. Didn’t even know that was an option.

Annette Carey February 14, 2018 at 5:38 pm

Stick to your values Lana Keesling he can get away with this harassment it’s time we hold these liberals feet to the fire, they have been so crooked for so long, the Chicago- style politics have to stop, during his speech to us the deplorables he thanked the Rinos for approving all the extra taxing, all but Paul Ensley, Jason Arp and Russ Yehl way to call out your buddies on the Council. I can’t understand how he keeps getting elected……

kc2e February 14, 2018 at 7:50 pm

One more woman causing trouble. I am no fan of the Liberals however taping a conversation in secret is ridiculous. If that is the only way Lana can feel she is important? Sad.

Sadie February 15, 2018 at 9:36 am

Sexist, much? I would have done the same thing after dealing with the cry baby mayor previously on the same issue.

Kent February 15, 2018 at 8:40 am

How is this hillbilly bully still Mayor?

lloyd February 15, 2018 at 11:30 am

I wonder if he talks to his wife like this.

Kim S February 15, 2018 at 1:02 pm

Disgusting Mr. Mayor. Probably really infuriating that your true colors were showing.

Val February 15, 2018 at 7:54 pm

Sounds to me like a set up from Keesling! She was baiting him to say “retaliation” (which he never did) knowing she was taping him. Hope someone gets a tape on HER without her knowledge!

Debi February 17, 2018 at 10:50 am

Good for you Lana for making everyone accountable including the Mayor. Fair is fair. Saw a new side of our Mayor baited or not, and he lost my vote for sure! He should have just parked in the garage and none of this would have happened. Tom you are not above the law, typical politician attitude.


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