Farm News

CBO Scores Nutrition Bill

The Congressional Budget Office has released the score for the nutrition bill organized by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. H.R. 3102 – the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act of 2013 – would cut food stamps and make other changes to federal nutrition programs. According to the CBO – the bill would cut 39-billion dollars from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program over 10 years. The CBO summary projects – under its baseline – that SNAP participation to decline from 48-million people in an average month in fiscal year 20114 to 34-million in 2023. The CBO says the two provisions with the largest budgetary effects would reduce the number of waivers available for certain childless adults who would otherwise be subject to work requirements or time limits and restrict categorical eligibility. A provision that would change benefit levels for program participants would have the third-largest budgetary effects. Because enacting the legislation would affect direct spending – CBO notes pay-as-you-go procedures apply. Enacting the proposed legislation would not affect federal revenues. CBO has not estimated the additional discretionary spending for nutrition programs that would result from implementing the bill – as such spending would be subject to appropriation actions. CBO has also not reviewed the bill for intergovernmental or private-sector mandates.

Cuts rolls over 25%

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