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Footprint Grows for Christian Group’s Instruction During Public School Hours

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ALLEN COUNTY, Ind. (WOWO) – LifeWise Academy, a non-denominational, Bible-based religious instruction program that provides education during public school hours, has growing momentum in northeast Indiana.

The Journal Gazette reports that LifeWise already serves six school districts in Adams, DeKalb, Wells and Whitley counties. Programs will likely launch this year or next for students in two Noble County districts and another in Adams County.

The concept is protected by a 1952 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

Launched in 2019, LifeWise, which originated in Ohio, served 133 schools across four states last academic year, and it anticipates it will expand to more than 300 schools in 12 states this year.

The academy is attempting to be implemented in East Allen County Schools, Northwest Allen County Schools and Southwest Allen County Schools. Its website indicates supporters are on the sixth stage of the 10-step launch process: obtain school approval. The districts’ spokeswomen have said nothing had been decided yet.

As for Fort Wayne Community Schools, the JG says the district has spoken with LifeWise and has offered the option of after-school programming.

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Bring God back to Public Schools November 7, 2023 at 8:19 am

“FOR POTECTION”, No need to cite a Supreme Court Ruling, just the Constitution and the 1st A….

The second God was removed from public school was the same second society took a dive, morally.

Want a better society, put God back in public school, the pledge allegiance and our flag. (and not some false alternative teachings)

This Country was built on religious values and we need those values back and promoted.

Hey WOWO, looks like you have another potential for Penny Pitch next go-around….

Slacker06 November 7, 2023 at 9:02 am

When this kind of schooling was part of regular school we had regular school. No drag queens. No porn in the library. No Satan clubs. No stupid pronoun rules. No convincing kids they were not born coin the correct body.. And on it goes. My spouse substitute teaches in public school. The 6th grade class from a few days ago was a sad experiment in diversity. The country is doomed. No respect. No effort to learn. The regular teachers is at wits end and getting NO HELP WHATSOEVER from the administration or the union on how to handle these out of control kids. Back to life basics would be the way to go since trying everything else is not working.


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