Indiana News

Former thief offers advice on how to avoid scams

(Photo Supplied/Indiana News Service)

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO/Indiana News Service): It can take a crook to catch a crook.

Frank W. Abagnale, whose unlawful exploits were portrayed in the film “Catch Me If You Can,” knows all about scamming. From ages 16 to 21, Abagnale posed as airline pilot, physician and attorney, pocketing millions of dollars in bogus cash. After finally being caught, he has spent the last 40 years helping the FBI catch con artists. He’s now assisting AARP Indiana by giving a free presentation about fraud.

Mandla Moyo, community outreach director for AARP Indiana, said Abagnale’s advice is crucial because scammers are always eager to take your money, and they change tactics based on the season. A tax scam is circulating now in which someone calls pretending to be from the Internal Revenue Service, advising you there’s a problem with your tax return. Moyo said the revenue service never tries to settle a debt over the phone.

“Then, the other thing to remember is when you’re dealing with the IRS or someone saying they’re calling from the IRS,” Moyo said, “that there’s always a way to mediate that debt in a non sort of threatening manner.”

Abagnale is appearing at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on April 28. The presentation is free. Preregistration is required and can be completed at the AARP IN Frank Abagnale Fraud Event web page.

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