Local News

Fort Wayne to remember 9/11

FORT WAYNE, IND., September 6, 2012 – On Tuesday, September 11, 2012, from 5-8 p.m., the Fort Wayne
Fire Department (FWFD) along with Allen County Public Safety invites residents to stop by the Law
Enforcement Firefighters Memorial of Allen County at 1001 North Wells Street to commemorate the 11th
anniversary of 9/11.

Citizens are encouraged to place an American flag in the grassy area behind the memorial in honor and
remembrance of not only the 403 public safety personnel that lost their lives, but for all of those who died
that fateful day 11 years ago. There will be no formal ceremony. Flags will be available at the Memorial site
from 5- 8 p.m. Fort Wayne Fire and Police Pipe and Drum Corps. members will be playing at 7 p.m.
This event is Allen County’s public safety effort to remember 9/11 and to continue to fulfil its pledge to Never
Forget. While citizens are encouraged to place a flag, the site will be a location for the community to come
together to pause, remember and reflect.

The Memorial site will also serve as a drop off location for people wishing to donate items for troops overseas.
Lendingahand.net will be collecting donated items from the attached list. Collected donations will be shipped
directly to US troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

For more information about this event, contact Fort Wayne Fire Department’s PIO, Stacey Fleming at

Fort Wayne/Allen County Public Safety Invites Public to Commemorate 11th Anniversary

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