Indiana News

Governor Mike Pence Commends Passage of Jacob Sexton Act

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WOWO): Friday afternoon, Governor Mike Pence released a statement about the passage of the Jacob Sexton Act, which passed the U.S. Senate early this evening as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Jacob Sexton, of Farmland, Indiana, tragically passed away in October of 2009 while on leave from his overseas duties as a soldier within the Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment of the Indiana National Guard.
“As our armed forces continue to serve posts around the world in the defense of our nation, we must ensure that our brave men and women receive the care they deserve,” said Governor Pence. “Today, through the passing of the Jacob Sexton Act, we are one step closer to making this goal a reality. I applaud the leadership of Senator Joe Donnelly and the steadfast support of the Sexton family in confronting the rise of suicide among the dedicated members of our nation’s armed forces. Thanks to their efforts, we can address the unique challenges faced by our citizen-soldiers and help to prevent this heartbreak from occurring again within families across our nation.”

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