Indiana News

Stutzman Statement on the Election in Israel

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Marlin Stutzman issued this statement following yesterday’s election in Israel.
“I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu for his historic victory in yesterday’s election. I’d also like to commend Isaac Herzog and his allies on a well fought race. Going forward, I am hopeful that Israel will remain a steadfast ally so we can work together to achieve peace with the Palestinians, fight global terrorism, and prevent the terror-sponsoring tyrannical regime in Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
“It is important to remember that the relationship between the United States and Israel must always transcend domestic political squabbles and stand by each other in tumultuous times for generations to come. I am excited to see what our two countries can achieve, as we work together in pursuit of our common goals.”
Congressman Stutzman represents the 3rd Congressional District of Indiana.

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