Local News

T-shirt sales honor victims of Elkhart shooting

ELKHART, Ind. (AP): An effort to express community pride and encourage kindness has raised more than $2,000 for the families of two women who were fatally shot last month at a northern Indiana grocery store.

Miriam Cooper says her print shop has sold more than 300 “Elkhart Strong” T-Shirts since the Jan. 15 shootings at a Martin's Super Market in Elkhart.

The Elkhart Truth reports the store is dividing the money between trust accounts for the families of 20-year-old store worker Krystle Dikes and 44-year-old shopper Rachelle Godfread.

The T-shirts ask people to commit two random acts of kindness to honor the women.

Cooper says the business will keep making the shirts as long as people are ordering them.

Police fatally shot 22-year-old gunman Shawn Bair to end the attack.

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