Local News

Thieves steal handguns, cash from vehicles

(Photo supplied/Fort Wayne Police Department)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): Two more vehicles were broken into Sunday in Fort Wayne.

Fort Wayne police say someone broke the passenger side window of a vehicle parked at a business on Lima Road near Center Road and took two Ruger 9mm handguns at about 3:30pm Sunday afternoon.

A couple of hours beforehand someone did the same to one parked on Tillman Road near South Anthony Blvd and took a purse, cash, credit cards and a cell phone.

Police Spokesman Mike Joyner tells WOWO news many of these types of thefts could have been avoided.

“We continue to emphasize how not to become a target, but we keep getting left scratching our heads,” he says, “asking ‘why did you leave your laptop on the front seat? Why did you leave your purse?'”

For the past month and a half, there have been 200 thefts from vehicles in Fort Wayne.

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