Ohio News

18-cent gas tax increase proposed for Ohio

(Source: http://bit.ly/1qezN2e License: http://bit.ly/1PpGKT1)

CINCINNATI (AP) — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s administration has recommended increasing the state gas tax by 18 cents a gallon beginning July 1 and annually adjusting that tax for inflation to maintain roads and bridges.

Ohio’s Department of Transportation director introduced the governor’s $7.43 billion transportation budget proposal on Thursday to the House Finance Committee. Director Jack Marchbanks said the tax included in the two-year budget would be adjusted annually with the consumer price index to ensure sufficient funding continues.

He said the revenue raised the first year, by increasing the current 28-cent tax to 46 cents, equates to roughly $1.2 billion and will be split between ODOT and local governments.

Marchbanks told legislators that without more revenue, there will be “no funds for any highway improvement projects.”

The budget requires legislative approval.

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1 comment

Rob February 21, 2019 at 6:59 pm

I want to know what are they doing with the $.28 that they are taxing us now per gallon? And not only that the money that comes from car registration fees/stickers. There’s no way that Ohio doesn’t have enough funds for the roads. They better find a different way to come up with the money or start taking it away from all of the officials in Columbus including Dewine.


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