Local News

3M to invest $3.5 million in Hartford City plant

(Photo Supplied/3M)

HARTFORD CITY, Ind. (WOWO): The Hartford City Council has approved a ten year tax abatement for global manufacturing powerhouse 3M.

According to Blackford County Economic Development Director Jacob Everett, the company will use the $3.5-million abatement to invest in equipment upgrades at its facility in Hartford City. The plant manufactures specialty & industrial tapes & adhesives and employs nearly 200 people.

Everett says this is a giant investment for their small community. “We’ve got a great base of employers here, but we’re a small community, so we appreciate our partnership with 3M. We’re not going to see much new headcount from this, but the increase in assessed value is just as important for a community like ours who need tax revenue to run our schools and services.”

3M began operations in Hartford City in 1955. Check back here for further updates.

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