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TRAA Staffing Responsibility Shifts Squarely on Mayor Tucker

FORT WAYNE, Ind. –The Three Rivers Ambulance Authority continues to struggle with bringing in new hires, and now Fort Wayne City Council says Mayor Sharton Tucker should have the authority to handle this problem.

At the crux of the issue is multiple surrounding fire districts that some city council members think, end up poaching from Fort Wayne’s EMS services. A vote last night could have given city council more authority to address the EMS staffing issue for the TRAA, but council shifted that responsibility to fall on the shoulders of Mayor Tucker.

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1 comment

Slacker06 June 6, 2024 at 9:09 am

Will Tucker practice DEI or CRT in hiring people at the ambulance company. Last thing Anybody wants is substandard EMTs working on them for what ever reason. Once more thing government should stay out of.


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