FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – The Innkeeper’s Tax Rate proposal has been passed in Allen County.
Our partners in news at ABC 21 report the council decided to increase the tax charged to people renting a hotel room, or other lodging, in a 4-3 vote Thursday.
Tax will increase from 7 to 8 percent, which is expected to generate an additional $750,000 annually for Visit Fort Wayne.
President of Visit Fort Wayne, Dan O’Connell, said last month the added revenue could help out organizations like Turnstone, an agency which hosts major competitions for the disabled. Memorial Coliseum officials also said the tax hike could be used to attract more concerts and sporting events.
Several taxpayers have had issues with the increase, though, stating the money shouldn’t be turned over to Visit Fort Wayne, as it’s led by a board that is non-elected.
1 comment
The best way to attract tourism to is charge tourists more money.