FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The city released the following update on the status of plowing Fort Wayne roadways:
The Fort Wayne Street Department will continue plowing and salting City streets through the night. A fresh set of drivers hit the streets this afternoon, replacing drivers who worked last night and through most of today.</span>
As snow continues to fall, plow trucks will remain on arterial streets to keep them as clear as possible for emergency vehicles.
If it stops snowing crews will work to clean up the arterial and collector streets overnight and tomorrow morning. Motorists should still use caution on Sunday as colder temperatures will continue to create slick spots.
The goal is to begin plowing residential streets sometime on Sunday. If it doesn’t snow anymore crews will likely be able to hit all residential streets by Monday night. Fort Wayne has more than 1200 miles of streets.
Fort Wayne’s plow trucks are not emergency vehicles. City trucks make frequent stops at traffic signals and stop signs, get tied up in slower traffic and maneuver around parked cars.