Local News

COVID Concerns Continue To Ease Across Northeast Indiana

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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO):  As President Joe Biden stated last week the pandemic “is over” signs of which are prevalent in Allen County.  Allen County reported this past Friday the lowest weekly number of new cases since early May at 265. Cases have declined sharply since the beginning of the month of September. Just four weeks ago, the weekly number was 835, more than three times higher than last week’s report. According to reports only Wabash County is not considered in the low zone for coronavirus prevalence. Wabash is at the medium level. Health authorities say the virus is still present. And although there are fewer and milder cases, COVID-19 is still killing about 400 Americans a day. In Allen County, even as case numbers drop, deaths have not dropped to zero. This month, between two and five deaths have been reported each week.

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1 comment

The people that pay you... September 27, 2022 at 3:57 pm

“COVID-19 is still killing about 400 Americans a day.”…Is this true??, or are these people just dying WITH Covid?

We will never really know. Thanks Government for Lying to us…


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