Indiana News

Former Indiana US Senator Birch Bayh dead at 91

(Public Domain)

INDIANA (WOWO): Former Senator Birch Bayh has passed away, according to The Indianapolis Star.

Bayh, 91, died early Thursday morning, March 14, from pneumonia.

Bayh was raised in Terre Haute, Indiana. He served three terms in the U.S. Senate and was the author of two constitutional amendments and a bill that gave women equal opportunity in colleges and universities, The Indianapolis Star reported.

Bayh was the father of two-term senator and former Indiana governor Evan Bayh.

Governor Eric J. Holcomb offered the following statement:

“Birch Bayh was a trailblazer who dedicated himself to improving the lives of all Hoosiers. His remarkable legislative and personal legacy transformed the country and will live on for years to come. I ask Hoosiers around the state to join me and Janet in honoring his incredible service and by keeping the Bayh family in your thoughts and prayers.”

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