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Fort Wayne Community Schools celebrates their Riley Champion

(Photo supplied/Riley Children's Foundation)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A Jefferson Middle School student was celebrated Tuesday for his work as a Riley Champion.

Dane Farlee has had a trying time in his 11 years of life, having undergone multiple heart surgeries because of a condition that narrowed his aorta. But as Fort Wayne Community Schools spokeswoman Krista Stockman explains, he hasn’t let his condition stop him from having a good time. “He’s been an ambassador for Riley and he’s participated in a big dance marathon that they have at IU every year just about every year of his life.”

The ninth annual Riley Kids Caring and Sharing program has also kicked off. It’s a fundraising campaign to raise money for Riley Hospital children, and Stockman says it’s a great way for a child to help another child in need.

“When a child is sick, everyone feels helpless, but children especially feel helpless when they have a classmate they know isn’t feeling well and there isn’t anything they can do,” she said.

Every school in the FWCS district is taking part in the fundraiser, with the goal of raising a dollar for every student in the district. Last year, the district raised $33,753 and over $250,000 since 2008.

If you wish to donate and don’t have a specific school you’re connected with, you can still donate at any school or the Grile Administration Center.

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