Local News

Moon Festival Honors Armstrong Legacy

The Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta hosts the Moon Festival, highlighting the
 Apollo 1 Moon Landing lead by native son, Neil Armstrong (Armstrong Air and Space Photo)

WAPAKONETA, Ohio (WOWO): Forty-six years ago this weekend, a small town Ohio boy changed history.

On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong from nearby Wapakoneta became the first man to touch the surface of the moon. And they've been celebrating it ever since with the Moon Festival at the Neil Armstrong Museum and in the city itself.

Chris Burton with the museum says It's a time of reflection and memories for young and old. “(It's a chance) to recall what it was like in their life and how they remembered it.”

Or they learned about and how they look up at the moon. And how looking at the moon is different knowing someone walked on it.

The festival continues through Sunday night. You can find out more by going to Armstrong Museum.org.

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