Local News

Ohio Senators Say HUD OK’s Mission’s Expansion

CINCINNATI (AP): Ohio's U.S. senators say that federal housing officials have cleared the way for an organization's expansion of efforts to help Cincinnati's poor and homeless.
       Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Cleveland, and Rob Portman, R-Cincinnati, had been pressing the Department of Housing and Urban Development to resolve restrictions on deeds of two properties meant for use in a local “Homeless to Homes Plan” effort. Federal authorities have told the City Gospel Mission that it can move forward as long as it complies with federal nondiscrimination laws on gender and religion.
       Brown says the agreement will allow City Gospel Mission to provide critical services while people are protected against discrimination.
       The organization has for decades provided shelter, hot meals, drug and alcohol programs and employment help.
       Portman planned to visit the mission on Friday.

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