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Parkview ranked country’s second-most expensive healthcare provider

(Source: https://goo.gl/P4L2fO License: https://goo.gl/sZ7V7x)

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A new study says a Fort Wayne-based healthcare system is almost the most expensive in the nation.

The Rand Corporation’s 2020 study of healthcare prices says Parkview Health charges the 2nd-highest prices for healthcare in the nation. According to the Journal Gazette, the study says Parkview’s billing charges for inpatient and outpatient services combined were 388% of the Medicare reimbursement rate.

Only a California hospital system charged more.

Lutheran Health Network’s parent company, Community Health Systems, ranked 83rd out of 178 healthcare providers in the study. IU Health was listed as having the 18th highest prices nationwide.

The price that Parkview charges for care was the crux of a contract dispute between Parkview and insurance provider Anthem that was eventually resolved.

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Patty Allison September 19, 2020 at 8:29 am

It angers me that Parkview continues to justify gouging their patients by claiming community benevolence. If I want to donate to local causes, I don’t need Parkview to do it for me. They are out of network for my insurance, and I have discovered high quality care at REASONABLE prices from the Lutheran network!

Jane drummer September 19, 2020 at 3:04 pm

Why aren’t new stories downloading on this site

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LW September 20, 2020 at 12:55 am

Don’t they advertise themselves as being non-profit?

Keith September 20, 2020 at 9:10 am

As long as you spend all that profit instead of handing out checks to your owners its still considered nonprofit.


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