Indiana News

Rudy Yakym wins Indiana’s District 2 Congressional seat & special election

Photo supplied/Rudy For Indiana

Republican Rudy Yakym has won Indiana’s District 2 Congressional seat as well as the special election to fulfill the rest of the late Rep. Jackie Walorski’s seat.

Yakym defeated Democrat Paul Steury, and Libertarian William Henry.

On his campaign website, Yakym described himself as a family man, businessman, and a common sense conservative ready to take his Hoosier values to Washington D.C. to tackle America’s greatest challenges.

Yakym stated, “Now, more than ever, we need common sense business leaders who will roll up their sleeves and do what it takes to get the job done for the American people. In Congress, I’ll use my business experience and common sense Hoosier values to get America back on track.”

Yakym was once Walorski’s campaign director and is endorsed by Walorski’s mother Maratha and husband Dean Swihart, shortly after her death.

Click here to visit Yakym’s website.

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1 comment

Slacker06 November 11, 2022 at 9:03 am

Sadly, over my voting lifetime I’ve heard innumerable winning candidates say they’re “taking their Hoosier values to Washington.” I’m still waiting on one to do just that. After a little while they somehow get converted to DC values. If Rudy is serious about his values guiding his work in DC he need to get staffers from the district rather from the pool of permanent staffers living in DC. He needs to ban the Wall Street Journal, the NY Slimes, and the Washington Compost from his office. Only newspapers published in the 2nd District should be read by him and his staff. Listen only to conservative radio programs. Watch only conservative fair and balanced news outlets. Stay away from CNN, MSNBC and the major outlets. Remember that none of those people in the usual media outlets are your friend, IN fact, they are your mortal enemies. Do anything else and you will be eaten alive. In short order you won;t know if you are coming or going. You will very soon become a swamp dweller. You were sent to DC to drain the swamp./ You were sent to DC to stand up for The People of the 2nd District and no one else. Be very skeptical of any lobbyist coming to your office carrying bags of cash. Show them you CANNOT BE BOUGHT and paid for.

You need to work on a law that bans any elected official from controlling a political action committee. None of you were sent to DC to become king or queen makers….. in some other place. There need to be a law that prohibits raising or spending campaign cash that does not originate in the jurisdiction any elected official represents, or by and by more likely pretends to represent. The job is huge. The time is short. NOW GET TO WORK!


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