INDIANA, (WOWO) – With Tax Day on the horizon, surveyed more than 1,000 consumers to find the top tax season trends for 2018.
When asked, “What would you do to get out of paying your taxes?”, nearly 28% of Indiana consumers said they would rather shave their head!
26% of those surveyed would rather go without the internet and social media for a year than pay taxes, and 20% would rather have the same song stuck in their head for a year.
The survey also showed that most Indiana consumers plan to use their tax return to pay off debt (46%), whereas 14% plan to invest it in the stock market.
When asked about the new tax bill, most Indiana consumers are unsure, but 23% believe it will increase their refund.
Most Indiana consumers file their taxes in February (29%), followed by January (23%) and April (20%). But 14% of Indiana residents wait until the day before or on Tax Day to file.
And the biggest concern for tax season? 21% of surveyed Indiana residents worry they will owe more than they can afford.