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Proposed Bill To Recognize Gender Based On Birth, Not How They Identify

Photo Supplied / Indiana Statehouse

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO) – The president of the Allen County Young Democrats is sounding off on proposed legislation.

Nick Elchert says House Bill 1291 discriminates against LGBTQ+ and transgender people.

According to our partners in news at 21 Alive, if passed, it would “replaces the term ‘gender’ with the phrase ‘biological sex’” for certain laws.

Republican Rep. Chris Judy, who represents District 83, authored the bill.

Elchert went on to say that laws like House Bill 1291 represent the hurdles transgender and LGBTQ+ people face.

The full bill can be read here.

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1 comment

1st World Problem January 16, 2024 at 2:16 pm

It’s mind blowing that a Bill like this is even needed…..a True 1st World Problem….you honestly think that people in places like Ethiopia have a problem figuring out if they are a man or woman? LOL

You really have to do some real mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that Replacing “Gender” with the term “Biological Sex” = Discrimination….

It’s really not that hard…are you a man, or a woman? if you can’t figure it out, go seek mental help. What are you going to tell the EMS in a medical Emergency…that you are a non-binary _______? They might not even know how to treat you.

Democrats have a real problem with FACTS and REALITY.

It’s truly disgusting how hateful the Democrats are to people struggling with mental health issues…they are only making it worse.


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