Local News

Craigslist Seller Injured In Robbery Attempt in Fort Wayne

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): A Fort Wayne man was reportedly nearly robbed while trying to sell his video game system via Craigslist. 

The Journal-Gazette reports that the Playstation 3 owner went to a blue car Sunday afternoon that was just a few blocks from his home on Hickory Tree Road on Fort Wayne's northwest side. 

Then, according to a police report, he got in the car with four other men and was struck in the face. The victim was able to get out of the vehicle, but not before the driver of the car got out and attacked him. 

Police are looking for a blue vehicle with a broken back window that came about as the result of the scuffle in the car. 

The victim ended up with a black eye and some cuts and bruises, but was not hospitalized. He also got to keep his gaming system.

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