FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WOWO): The Salvation Army in Fort Wayne is putting out a call for help with their Angel Tree program.
Every year, area businesses place tags with a child’s clothing sizes and toy preferences on trees within their stores. You simply take a tag and go shopping for the child, then drop their gifts off at any public Angel Tree location.
This year, however, more than 2,000 children applied to receive help, and the Salvation Army says more than 800 tags remain unclaimed, with just three days left to do so. If you want to help, tags can be picked up at the Salvation Army’s offices at 2900 N. Clinton St. or at the following Fort Wayne locations:
Culvers – 6527 W Jefferson
State Bank – 12832 Coldwater Road
Sweetwater Sound – 5501 US Hwy 30 W
Wal-Mart – 10105 Lima Road, 5311 Coldwater Road, 10420 Maysville Road, 1710 Apple Glen Blvd
Friendly Fox – 4001 S Wayne Ave
You can also donate and find more information here.