Six month old Sparkle, a cat that was rescued from a June 2012 cruelty case, is ready to be adopted from Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control. Sparkle suffered injuries as a result of deliberate burning and has been cared for by New Haven Pet Hospital until recently, when she was released to a private foster home where she currently resides. Adoption profiles for Sparkle will be accepted for two days only on October 15 & 16. A lottery system will be used to select an adoption candidate who will be given an opportunity to meet and interact with Sparkle on Wednesday, October 17 between 12-7 p.m. Do to the number of people who have expressed an interest, only the family whose profile is drawn from the lottery will be given an opportunity to meet Sparkle and interact with her.
The shelter will select two alternates in the event that the first candidate declines the adoption. Sparkle will be sent home on Thursday, October 18 during a 10 a.m. news conference and happy-new-home party in the Animal Care & Control Education Center on Hillegas Road. To apply for the adoption of Sparkle:
· Print a Pet Adoption Profile from the Animal Care & Control website at and fax it to 260-427-5514 or
· Come to the shelter between the hours of 12-5 p.m., 3020 Hillegas Road on either Monday, October 15 or Tuesday, October 16th to complete and submit a profile.
· Be sure to write “Sparkle Adoption” on the Adoption Profile